Although Bisshop Systems has developed a number of custom Content Management Systems (CMS) over the years, the open-source community are now developing some wonderful CMS families. Drupal and Joomla have a good following, but WordPress has become the most popular, for good reason. In our discussions with clients, it seems to be the most approachable and easy to use CMS. It also has a straightforward yet powerful plugin extension system. If you can’t find a plugin from the tens of thousands of open-source plugins available, developing custom plugins is not too hard—and Bisshop Systems has done a lot of that.
The following plugins are not open-source, but were developed by Bisshop Systems and are available for use by Bisshop Systems clients. Click on a plugin to get some information like how to use it.
- Ajaxy A wrapper for the Ajaxy Jquery plugin. Also adds support for standard IDs #ajaxy-menu, #ajaxy-content and #ajaxy-current
- Attachment List First steps in the direction of a customised attachment list that only displays to members who are authorised by the User Access Manager. Displays appropriate icons, file size etc.
- Biz Directory A Yellow Pages style business directory that allows multiple separate directory lists.
- Import Users to User Access ManagerImport a list of users’ names and login details to a specified UAM group, creating the group if necessary.
- List Stuff List Stuff allows you to list posts, pages or custom post types, optionally from a category, into a post/page using the [ liststuff ] shortcode. This shortcode accepts a post type, category name or id, the order in which you want the posts to display, and the number of posts to display. You can use [ liststuff ] as many times as needed in the one post or page with different arguments.
This list of plugins is generated by List Stuff. - Members Insert a list of members into the content using the shortcode [ tmemb title=”My Title” style=”music” status=”active” ]. Can be used to produce a private contact sheet or a publicity page. Members update their own details.
- Private PollingAllows members of a particular User Access Manager group to vote and doodle on pages and posts that belong to a UAM group. Use a shortcode to insert a summary of all posts being voted, and display all votes for a post within that post.
- QuickSearch After typing two or more characters in the search box, a floating search results list will drop down below the search box.
- Quicktime Video Allows display of one or more video groups (large, medium, small files) generated by the Quicktime Player “Export for Web” tool, using the shortcode [ qt-video dir=”/media/video/whatever” ].
- Related Stuff Display a set of manually selected related items with your posts or pages. Includes the ability to relate and display custom post types and Shopp products. Items are selected in the edit page for the post or page.
- Site Merge Navigation Allows a WordPress site to act as a front end to more than one site. Draws a top-level navigation list. If a page has a custom field titled “menuAlias” then that alias will be used as the link instead of the WordPress URI. If a custom field name is defined for the widget instance, it will show all pages with that custom field, whether or not the page is top level, and will sort the pages by the value of the custom field. If a parent page is defined, (either by ID or with options “top” “level2” and “current”) then the displayed pages will be limited to children and descendants of that page. If the “User Access Manager” plugin is installed, it will not display a page in the menu if the currently logged in member does not have access rights for that page.
- When and Where Allows any post type (even pages and attachments) to define a date range and geolocation, then displays that information in the page for that item, including a Google Map with a marker at the location.